Today's paperweight showcases a few items that were bundled together in an old scrapbook album I purchased. I really love the look of vintage paper, especially when it's a bit tattered. It really lends a lot of interest to to paperweight by creating depth, texture, and age. This is why I often refer to PhotoWeights as little shadowboxes you keep on your desk.
The items I used are pictured above. Because of the size and depth of paper and button combined, I used the Large Rectangle paperweight kit. All the items related to the Freeborn County Fair in Albert Lea, MN. There's an entry form that includes a list of canned goods a woman entered in the fair, as well as an entry tag that was attached to one of the items. (Don't you love old hang tags with string?). The button is covered with blue, silken fabric that's imprinted in gold. It's stunning when the light hits it!
I overlapped the entry form and the entry ticket and stapled them together. Because these items were fairly thin, I was easily able to pin the button through them. (I had considered removing the pin from the back of the button so I could glue the button directly to the tag. After giving it some thought, I realized this would have made it look too staged.) Pinning the button through the paper gave the paper more shape. The sharp end of the pin also looks great.
The mounting board, included with the paperweight kit, was covered with vintage-inspired scrapbook paper. (See photo above.)
After the display items were grouped together, they were applied to the mounting board with glue. (See photo above.) The string attached to the hang tag was also secured with glue to prevent it from moving freely within the paperweight.
Once the glue dried completely, the paperweight was finished by placing the mounting board (display items attached) face-down into the recessed area on the bottom of the paperweight. A velvet pad, also included with the paperweight kit, was applied over the bottom of the paperweight to keep everything in place.
I hope this project will inspire you to find design possibilities in a variety of items that may otherwise end up being discarded.
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